Rider benefits
Rider’s mission is to understand the unique needs of the motorcycle and off-road community and provide them with the specialized insurance benefits, coverage and service necessary, while treating each customer with respect and delivering an exceptional customer experience allowing riders to enjoy the freedom of the open road.
Liability Coverage and Limit Options
Rider offers a wide variety of liability options. Whether you are looking to just meet the minimum state requirements or carry top-of-the-line coverage, Rider’s got you covered.
Medical Payments Coverage
This optional coverage pays medical bills for you when involved in a motor vehicle accident and provides coverage to passengers of the insured motorcycle when in an accident. The coverage is provided regardless of fault.
Replacement Cost Coverage
Roadside Assistance
accessories coverage
Helmet coverage
Trailer Coverage
Trip Interruption Coverage
Carried Property Coverage
2Available to customers who have purchased comprehensive or collision coverage. Certain restrictions and limitations apply. Refer to the language issued in your policy or speak with your agent for complete details.
3Certain restrictions apply.

Rider Insurance is powered by Plymouth Rock
The alliance between Rider Insurance and Plymouth Rock Assurance has made Rider a stronger, more competitive force. It gives you one place for all your insurance needs in personal and commercial auto, homeowners and umbrella insurance, as well as motorcycle.